chateau medavy normandie normandy castle orne visite tourisme

One of the most beautiful private collections of Normandy

Since 2004, the current owners are fully dedicated to reviving the château and restoring it to its original splendor.

Decorated with elegance and authenticity, the château de Médavy hosts extraordinary collections that will make you travel through time and space.

This summer in Médavy

chateau medavy normandie normandy castle orne visite tourisme

Renovation works: Before / After

Since 17 years, many restoration works have succeeded each other to give the Château de Médavy all its magnificence back. The current owners have invested several million euros as part of the preservation of historical monuments with the support of the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (Ministry of Culture). They rely on the Chief Architect of Historical Monuments, but also on their own teams of carpenters, bricklayers, and other talents. 

The door frames, rooftops and moats were salvaged as they were on the brink of ruin. 

The photography campaign shows the extent of the transformations carried out through pictures.

chateau medavy normandie normandy castle orne visite tourisme

History of the château

Located halfway along the road connecting Argentan to Sées, Médavy represents a stronghold of the Duchy of Normandy since the 12th century. Little is known about the first fortress, which was probably destroyed between 1417 and 1449 during the invasion of the French kingdom by the English army.

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